Winter Adventures are available in March and the first week of April. A week of snowmachining (snowmobiling in lower 48 speak), skiiing, snowshoeing, birding, petting the fluffy horses, and amazing photographic opportunities. For those who want a little more adventure winter camping and survival skills can be the focus of your stay. As with all the adventures at Apricity Alaska, there is only one group at a time and all the activities are customized to your interests. March is a magic month in Alaska, generally sunny weather and 12 hour days make for what the locals refer to as “happy winter.” A winter homestead adventure could be combined with spectating on the famous Iditarod Dog Sled race. No riding is available in winter months, but the super fluffy Icelandic horses are available for pets and photos.
With temperatures regularly resting between 0 and -20 F and 5 hours of daylight on the winter solstice, winters in the Big River Valley of Alaska can be quite intense. Days are spent keeping warm, caring for the livestock, running small trap lines, editing video, writing songs, and preparing for the summer months ahead.
By request, I consider hosting guests during the darker winter months. Logistics can be tricky with flight delays due to weather during the mid winter month. March and Early April offer the best taste of winter with the easiest logistics. Though January is best for Aurora viewing or those interested in the silent dark of the Alaska winter.
For the right people, solo winter experiences can be arranged.